Would you like to know how attraction marketing can help you rapidly grow your network marketing business, completely obliterate rejection, and give you a completely unfair advantage when it comes to prospecting and recruiting? Stay tuned if that sounds appealing, because that’s precisely what I’m going to share below. First, let me ask you this… Have you ever…
Read MoreWhat to Do When Prospects Give You Excuses…
Give me a “Hell Yeah!” if you are absolutely sick and tired of hearing the following excuses when building your network marketing business:“It sounds great, but I just don’t have enough money to get started.” “I don’t have enough time.” “Is this some pyramid scheme?” “I can’t sell.” “I don’t want to give you my social security or credit card…
Read MoreWhy Top Recruiters Are Almost NEVER Top Earners
Recently, I had a wonderful conversation with a woman named “Laura,” a top earner in a fast-growing network marketing company. Laura is part of a small elite group of top producers, who recently started working with Attraction Marketing to help take their business-building efforts online and supplement the incredible success they’ve had offline. As I asked her…
Read MoreThree Proven Ways to Grow Your Network Marketing Business, Using the Internet
Friends of mine, who have earned tens-of-millions of dollars in network marketing, are FINALLY starting to publicly concede that Internet-based recruiting works! In fact, despite being “hush, hush” in most circles, it’s one of the most effective network marketing strategies ever. Now, I’m not just talking about prospecting via social media, but actual marketing strategies as well. “Internet…
Read MoreThe Problem with Prospecting & Recruiting with Social Media
If you’re prospecting and recruiting on social media, there are many pitfalls you need to avoid in order to successfully build your organization. First, before we talk about the top 5 WRONG ways to recruit on social media, let me quickly tell you my story… It’s been over a decade since I entered the network marketing arena…
Read MoreWhat To Do When Your Upline Doesn’t Want You to Use the Internet to Build
A common concern I hear from people learning cutting-edge online recruiting methods is being scolded by their upline for “choosing a different path.” For example, on a webinar a couple of months ago a woman asked how she should deal with her upline, entrenched in the old ways of thinking, who she was afraid might disagree…
Read MoreWhy Company Leaders are Secretly Using the Internet to Prospect & Recruit, While Telling Their Downline to Keep It “Old School”
It might come as a shock to entrepreneurs who’ve used attraction marketing to grow a large online business, but, the argument from traditional networking leaders against building online has been that they’ve never seen anyone build a BIG business using the internet. They’ve said that the internet isn’t duplicatable and only results in distracting you from…
Read MoreWhy Building a Brand Online Makes Recruiting Easier, Faster, & More Convenient
Recently, I heard something perplexing from a network marketing top earner at a company event. Repeated over, and over again, like a mantra, was…“Build your business, not your brand!”Now, I knew this was basically a warning to people about not listening to their upline, since many in the crowd had been building their business online, and…
Read MoreHow to Build Your Network Marketing Business Online Leveraging the Five Levels of Internet Automation
Reality check: There are a lot of people in network marketing—especially six- and seven-figure earners—who have to work their tail off to maintain their income. And though they have created a successful lifestyle, when they stop working, their income immediately drops. Which, I think we can all agree, isn’t what you want! Because if you’re anything like me, you…
Read MoreHow to Guarantee Your Prospects Will Enthusiastically Say, “YES!” When You Invite Them to Take a Look at Your Network Marketing Business!
How would you like to guarantee your prospects enthusiastically say, “YES!” when you invite them to take a look at your network marketing business? Maybe that sounds like a tall order… But it’s absolutely possible, and I’m about to reveal exactly how you can make it happen through the three “golden rules” of cold market recruiting. First though,…
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