How would you like to guarantee your prospects enthusiastically say, “YES!” when you invite them to take a look at your network marketing business?
Maybe that sounds like a tall order…
But it's absolutely possible, and I'm about to reveal exactly how you can make it happen through the three “golden rules” of cold market recruiting.
First though, let me share a personal story I think you’ll find instructive.
So I actually learned how to recruit outside of MLM—way outside.
As an undergrad at MIT, I was in a fraternity, and part of the recruiting process for my frat was getting a list of phone numbers to cold call of incoming freshmen who requested to receive information about housing options at our institute.
Oddly enough, that year, and all the following years, I personally recruited the most new pledges into my fraternity.
My secret?
I was willing to do the work!
It turned out that a big part of what made me the best recruiter in my fraternity – despite my introverted nature and shyness – was that I was one of the very few people in my fraternity who actually made any calls at all.
I didn't want to disappoint my fraternity brothers, so I wanted to do the work that they asked me to do.
Thus, I took action, and was one of the few who got results, and was able to learn and grow from that experience.
So that’s rule #1 of cold market recruiting…
As I was cold calling people, either they would answer or their parents would answer.
Through that process, I learned a lot about what it takes to get people interested in what you have to offer.
The biggest trick?
A lot of listening.
Now, I'm not a big talker—I'm a relatively introverted and shy person, as I previously stated.
So the idea of cold calling was pretty intimidating, but I did it anyway.
I learned that because I'm relatively introverted, I naturally tend to do less talking and more listening, which turned out to be the key to my success.
And yup, that’s rule #2 of cold market recruiting…
Once I graduated from MIT, it was time to face the real world.
In my network marketing company, that meant talking to new prospects.
I traded in selling the virtues of my fraternity for selling a network marketing opportunity, and I became the top recruiter in my organization.
The problem was, even though I wanted to teach this process to my team and share why it worked, I wasn't able to teach it to anyone, including my team…
…therefore, duplication was non-existent with my team.
And here's why…
Because I developed my recruiting methods so unconsciously and organically, I didn't have a “formula” so it could be easily taught to others, and therefore my business suffered.
Therefore, all my recruiting efforts only led to poor growth and lackluster retention, no matter how many people I recruited.
Here's the cold hard truth about what I learned in network marketing…
What's worse is that most other people in my company were worse off than me.
At least I knew how to recruit!
Everyone else was left to fend for themselves, because what my organization taught new reps about recruiting — if you'll pardon my french — was total crap!
And sadly, that’s usually the case for most this industry.
Does this sound familiar???
“Find more people and bring them to meetings.”
Heard this “strategy” before?
That’s all I was being asked to do: find more people.
My upline told me…
“Ferny, your business is going to grow if you find more people, bring them to our meetings, and get them in the business.”
To them, it was all about a body count.
Then to make me feel a little better about the process, they kept giving me the other WORST piece of advice in network marketing…
“It's not selling. It's sharing.”
Both statements are garbage because…
We are influencing, therefore we are selling!
We're trying to create a process to influence people and have them see the value of what we have.
That's the definition of salesmanship.
So make no mistake, we are absolutely selling.
As such, organization leaders are literally crippling people from the start by saying, “It's not selling. It's sharing,” because they're saying you don't have to learn skills.
And that's just not true—at all!
You MUST learn Skill Sets!
Fortunately, the “selling skills” a networker needs to master are actually quite simple.
The first one you need to learn is how to invite.
“Find more people and bring them to meetings,” is just plain horrible advice because it sets up a selfish mindset.
And here’s how it plays out in practice…
Using this poor guidance, every time I started a conversation with somebody, I had a selfish agenda.
Basically, I was trying to get them to do something that would benefit me by trying to get them to join my network marketing business.
That's the problem with what's being taught and the reason why it's so dang toxic in the network marketing space.
Is it any wonder your prospects are skeptical?
Everyone sees you (and most people in this industry) as selfish!
Because they see that you're just trying to “get them in the deal” or twist their arm into buying something.
That may be hard to read, but it's the truth.
To put it differently…
People don't want to hear what you have to say because they don't want to get forcefully roped into doing what YOU want them to do.
Read that again to really let it sink in.
Got it?
Now, what should be taught in network marketing is this…
Listen to people who express a problem or desire, which your business opportunity or product can help them solve.
The reason this should be taught is because it sets up a service-based mindset.
Where your whole approach is…
“I'm here to help.”
“I'm here to counsel you and help you solve some of the issues you're dealing with in your life.”
The key to making this work is that when you have conversations with people…
You just want to be present with them and actually take a genuine interest in talking to them.
Introverts actually do this better than extroverts
Extroverts tend to be the “salesy” type of people.
They might recruit a lot of people, but those people will also quit because they got aggressively pushed into a network marketing business.
So instead of being pushy, what you have to do instead is basically ask a few pointed questions about how they're doing…
- How is your health?
- How is the job going?
Then shut up and listen.
Listen at least 80 to 90% of this entire conversation because you're listening for things that you can connect with, expressed problems or desires that you can help people with, based on what you have to offer.
When you approach prospecting in this way, you're going to have much better results.
Once you've heard them out, you can say…
“By the way, John, you said you were really sick of your time at work and you feel stuck. If I showed you a way to get out of that and still make the income you're making, would you be interested?”
Of course he's going to say, “yes!”
“John, you said you were really struggling with your weight and your health. You're having x, y, and z health issues. I can show you something that can help you with that pretty easily without changing your diet too much. Will you be interested?”
Another easy, “yes!”
“John, you've expressed certain issues about your health or you'd like to lose some weight. I can show you a way to lose weight without having to exercise like a madman. Would you be interested?”
Of course he'll take a look!
When you set up the invite in that way, when you point at the expressed problem or desire that they spilled their guts about and say, “I have something to help you solve that problem,” then most of the time they're going to say, “yes.”
Simple as that.
Now, this brings us to rule #3 of cold market recruiting…
Even if your prospects say…
“Wait, wait, wait. Is this one of those deals?”
You reply…
“John, I'm just trying to help you with your issue. You said this is a problem. If you don't want to listen, it's cool.”
Now you're taking it away.
That's called posture.
If they act a little suspicious, or you maybe screwed up the delivery, then just take it away.
Just say…
“John, I'm just trying to help you with your issue. If you're not interested, no problem. If you want to just continue where you're working and that's good enough for you, and good enough for your family, then that's cool. I'm willing to show you an alternative if you're interested.”
That's the takeaway, and it's how you create posture.
What's happening there is you're positioning yourself as if you don't need their business.
They need you more than you need them.
Regardless of your financial situation, regardless of whether you're on your last dollar, you've got to have that posture, because the bottom line is getting people in the business doesn't make you money.
Having them STAY in the business and produce is what makes you money.
Their invitation has to be rooted in the big audacious problem that they have in their life that they want to solve.
How do you this apply to your network marketing business?
You just have conversations.
It's exactly the same, through a Video Chat, or a Skype call, or on the phone.
You can have the exact same type of conversation.
You've just got to be willing to listen to people.
One thing is always true…
No matter which format you start the conversation, you want to listen and ask questions that will lead them to express what their true desires are or what problems they want to solve in their life.
Connecting on Social Media
When you're putting a post out on social media, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, a video, whatever, don't ever post anything about your company or your product.
Well, to be frank…
No one cares about your company or your product!
As soon as you post anything about your company or your product, you become a commodity and no different from the products available at regular stores.
In contrast, when you post on social media saying…
“I'm so happy. I lost x amount of pounds and this many inches in the past x amount of weeks. I feel amazing. Thank you. I'm so grateful.”
This is completely different and garners interest from people who desire similar results.
…and as such, they will often reach out, of their own volition, and request to connect with you.
When they do that, they've already expressed the problem they're experiencing in their life, because they responded to your post.
For example…
When you help somebody produce a result or solve a problem in their life, then you should celebrate their achievement on social media, acknowledging and congratulating them for achieving that result.
But again, don't mention your company or your product.
This is all about what you can do for people, not what your company can do for people.
Finally, always remember that…
You're the authority!
You're the consultant.
That's how you should present yourself—as the knowledgeable expert facilitating other's success.
And when you acknowledge other people for their achievements on social media, people WILL reach out to you.
Think about it…
This is infinitely more powerful than just talking about yourself, because now you've demonstrated an ability to help other people achieve their goals.
That's how you should be behaving on social media.
Solving people's problems and helping them achieve their desired outcomes is ultimately what's going to get you where you want to go, because…
People don't care about your product and they don't care about your company…
People ONLY care about the benefits and results you can produce in their lives.
Everyone has problems!
Financial problems, health problems, you name it.
And you can easily position yourself to help with any type of problem or desire by following my 3 golden rules of cold market recruiting.
Now, if you'd like more prospects to talk to…
…then I highly recommend you sign up for my FREE Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
It's a video course where I'll walk you through how to build your business using the latest technologies—where prospects come to you on a daily basis—already interested in what you've got!
You can take advantage of these methods starting today—no matter how much (or little) online prospecting and recruiting experience you have currently.
This is, by far, the most efficient way to build your business today.
My training is not fuzzy or vague.
I teach actionable steps you can put to work right away.
But I don’t just tell you what to do – I teach you how to think for yourself and create your own success story.
And if you take this process seriously, I guarantee that it will change your life.
So if you’re ready to get started…
Simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
Ferny Ceballos
Author of the Attraction Marketing Formula
CMO, AttractionMarketing.Com