If you're a network marketer looking to promote your products, attract retail customers, and build your business online using the unparalleled power of video marketing, then you're in the right place!
When used effectively, there's simply nothing more effective than product demonstration videos to create an instant connection, establish rock-solid rapport, and turn your audience into interested, ready-to-buy customers, and motivated, ready-to-join team members.
There's just one problem, though…
In order for your videos to work their magic, people actually have to WATCH them first.
I know, this probably goes without saying, yet consider this…
Even if you create the most valuable, content-rich demo video that addresses your prospect's biggest problem and offers them the perfect solution (in the form of your product, of course!), you've still got to compete in a very NOISY world, where, for example, roughly every 5th post in the Facebook News Feed is an ad, and Facebook is scientifically designed to keep its users scrolling…and scrolling…and scrolling (…instead of stopping to focus on whatever you're selling).
Not only that, but…
You've only got seven seconds to snag your prospect's attention!
It's something I like to call the “goldfish equation,” and it goes like this…
According to data published by the Statistic Brain Research Institute…
Goldfish have an attention span of 9 seconds.
In contrast, back in 2000, human beings had an attention span of 12 seconds.
Want to guess what the human attention span is today?
8 seconds.
Pretty sad, right?
We literally get distracted faster than a goldfish!
Here’s why this matters to you and your business…
Think about this 8 second stat when it comes to YOUR online marketing.
If you don’t do something that interrupts and gets the attention of your viewers within 8 seconds or less…
They're gone!
In the blink of an eye, they'll be watching someone else's video.
(…for the next 8 seconds, anyway.)
So knowing that you only have 8 seconds to hook your viewer…
What do you do?
Well, it’s not about…
- Making your videos chock full o' hype, or…
- Peppering in more ‘salesy' lingo, or even…
- How fast you can talk about all the incredible benefits of what you're selling
And it’s definitely not about just hitting record and “speaking from the heart” about your before-and-after results (…as many other marketers might tell you to do).
It really only comes down to…
Four li'l tweaks you can make to the first 7 seconds of your videos
That’ll grab your viewers attention, hook them in, and give them NO CHOICE but to stay tuned into your product demonstration, watching with rapt attention, and ultimately asking how they can learn more about where to get your product.
These four simple tweaks are part and parcel of what I like to call the “7-Second Hook Formula.”
And though it may not seem like enough time to make an impression, consider how we make snap judgements constantly.
Think about it like a first date.
If you show up with parsley in your teeth and propose within the first 7 seconds, think your hot date's gonna marry you right on the spot?
Of course not!
The same thing goes for the critical 7-second introduction to your product demo videos.
You can’t be too ‘salesy,' ‘hypey,' or jump right into the pitch…
And always keep this in mind:
Even though your goal is to get the sale, you need to do it in a very specific way so you don’t turn people off or offend them.
Thus, you actually want to create engagement with your videos – likes, shares, and comments – so you can follow-up with and close your customers privately.
Nothing stifles curiosity and desire like giving too much away about your product in your demo videos.
But you can create curiosity, urgency, and build the desire to learn more by using these 4 tweaks at the beginning of your videos.
So let's dive in!
Starting with tweak #1…
In product demonstration videos, people aren’t thinking about you…they’re thinking about what’s in it for THEM.
As human beings we think of ourselves first and how anything we buy can benefit us and what we care about.
So instead of wasting your first 5-7 seconds on introducing you…
Use those precious first few seconds of your video to focus on them with an interrupt.
Something that’ll break their focus from whatever they were just doing and get their attention focused in on YOU.
Here’s one of the easiest ways to interrupt your viewer…
Ask a question that creates curiosity, fear, or implies a benefit.
Here are a few examples…
- “Are you eating any of these 3 foods that virtually guarantee you’ll struggle with losing weight?”
- “Is your retirement savings at risk?”
- “What’s the secret to keeping crow's feet at bay (year after year)?”
- “Can this medical breakthrough can turn back the clock and make you look 20 years younger?”
- “Do you want to discover the weight loss secrets of the world’s top super models?”
If you’re targeting the right audience with your videos, then your interrupt will give them no choice but to stop scrolling, continue to watch the rest of your video, and comment below to find out more info from you.
Next up we've got tweak #2…
Most make this step longer than it needs to be, so lets keep it super simple.
Especially in your 7-second hook, you want to keep your introduction to one of these two brief options:
#1 – State your name and where you’re coming from.
“Hey I’m Kate McShea coming to you from _______ (whatever city and state you live in)”
#2 – State your name and build quick authority.
“Hey I’m Kate McShea and I’m (speaker, author, coach, trainer, top earner in the ________ (whatever niche you’re in)”
Keep this introduction short, especially with this style of video, and remember, you want to keep the focus on your viewer.
It's not about you, so don't waste their precious time!
Next we've got tweak #3…
Especially with product demonstration videos, this is where most people get it all wrong.
Most people leave their “call to action” (which tells your viewer what to do next) until the very END of the video.
In a 7-second hook video, though, you want your CTA to be within the first 7-10 seconds, if you can squeeze it in.
This gives all your impulsive buyers a chance to take action faster.
Some examples of a call to action are…
- “Drop me a comment below if you'd like to learn more”
- “Please like and share this video if you get value”
- “Tag a friend if you think they can benefit too”
- “Shoot me a message to learn more”
- “Question: do you prefer A, B, or C?”
Your call to action doesn’t have to be long, but it does need to be strong, commanding, and descriptive so your viewer knows what to do next.
Adding in a call to action within the first 7 seconds of your videos should give you an extra bump of engagement, if you do it right.
Finally, tweak #4…
Remember, people watch your videos to figure out what’s in it for THEM.
So the faster you can create curiosity, articulate a benefit, or describe a fear that’ll make your viewer want to watch your whole video through…the better!
That’s why the last step of the 7-Second Hook Formula is setting expectations.
This step only needs to be a few seconds, but it allows you to instantly build a relationship with your viewer.
You’re essentially giving them a “heads up” on what they’ll see next, so they’re less skeptical.
Here are some examples of how to set clear expectations in your videos…
- “In the next 4 minutes I’ll share with you how to lose 10 lbs in 7 days by eliminating 3 foods you may not even realize are making you actually gain weight”
- “You’ll get my 4 best wealth preservation and growth tips to help you keep your financial future on track”
- “You’ll learn about the 3 key ingredients all “brand name” skin serums lack in proper combination, which keeps them from properly hydrating your skin and maintaining its youthful, firm elasticity
When people know what they’re going to see, hear or learn next, they’re less resistant and curious to find out more.
Which means more likes, shares, comments, messages, and happy customers for you from your product demo videos.
That's a wrap!
I hope you start using the 7-Second Hook Formula at the beginning of your product videos as soon as possible!
I’d also love to know which tweak you'll implement first; just comment below!
Now, here's something super important to keep in mind…
This “7-Second Hook Formula” is ONLY for the first 7 seconds of your videos
So once you've used it to get your audience's attention, then it's time to actually deliver your product demo!
Ideally, your presentation will be between 5-10 minutes long and will create enough curiosity about your product, and desire to get the type of results you've described, to get your viewers to take action by reaching out to you to learn more.
Luckily I've taken all the guesswork out of this process with a 4-step formula I've developed to specifically attract ready-to-buy prospects and turn them into happy customers, all using short product demo videos.
This never-before-revealed training is called the “7 Minute Retail Method.”
If you’re involved in ANY kind of network marketing, direct sales, or home business opportunity…you DO NOT want to miss out!
This is a system ANYONE can use to very quickly start seeing new sales and recruit new teammates.
CLICK HERE to get all the details!
Kate McShea
Creator of the Social Retail & Enrollment Blueprint