Selling and prospecting isn’t a numbers game.
And in fact, thinking this way is a recipe for wasting a whole bunch o’ time on people who will NEVER buy what you’re selling.
Don’t believe me?
Well, think about this for a moment…
It doesn’t matter if you’re dressed sharp as a tack, sporting a contagious smile, and are prepared to deliver your kicked-up-a-notch presentation on the culinary merits of your new bacon opportunity (that's so delicious it sells itself!)
Because if you’re audience is the annual Kosherfest in New Jersey…
No one’s buying!
…and more to the point: you and your abominable merchandise are getting kicked to the curb, to boot!
Makes perfect sense, right?
So allow me to repeat myself…
Selling & Prospecting isn't a numbers game!
And sure, maybe this example sounds a bit hyperbolic, but 90% of home business owners make the deadly mistake of throwing their deal at the wall to see what sticks, so to speak, instead of investing time honing in on their target market.
Don’t let this happen to you!
Because when it comes to connecting with your prospects, there’s nothing more important than knowing exactly WHAT words to say and WHO to say them to.
And that's precisely why we’re about to explore how to identify the right words to impact your prospects emotionally, and directly connect with what they’re looking for.
If you follow this process correctly, you’ll position yourself as THE consultant who can provide THE answers to your prospect's specific problems.
So, to start, you’ll first need to…
Create a chart
I like to use a chart to list out all of my information visually.
This helps me stay focused and organized.
The chart has four columns:
- Your target market
- Your market’s pains and struggles
- Their desires or desired outcomes
- Their language
Okay, let’s dive in…
With your blank chart in hand, the first step in this process is to choose a target market for whatever you want to promote.
So list out your potential target markets, pick one, and then fill in your first column.
Let’s first talk about a potential target market that I like to call “cubicle slaves.”
These are people who work at a corporate job that they hate, but are well compensated for.
Think of the “Dilbert” types.
Maybe they're programmers, or accountants, or even lawyers.
It's a white collar job, and they're paid decently, but they hate their life…
- They hate their work
- They're not fulfilled
- They feel like there's something greater in store for them
That's the cubicle slave market.
Why would I want to target those people?
Because they have money to invest in an opportunity or something that could dramatically change their lives.
What are the pains and struggles a cubicle slave deals with?
- They hate their job
- They hate their boss
- They're bored at work
- They're unfulfilled at work
- They hate commuting in traffic
- They work too many hours (with or without more pay)
- They don’t have enough time with family (tied into their work hours)
- High stress levels
- No time freedom
You’re going to do the same thing for your target market.
Go on, fill in your details.
Whatever your target market’s pains and struggles are, list them out on your chart (soon you'll use these pains and struggles in your own marketing).
Under the desires column, you’re going to write out what these people want to achieve in their lives.
In the case of cubicle slaves, it would be:
- Time freedom—set their own hours
- More time with family
- Short commute or no commute—being able to work from home
- Job fulfillment—making an impact
- Financial freedom—more money
- Time for vacations and travel
- Less stress
Make sure to take your time filling out your chart.
This is super important, so don't rush through it.
When you choose the language to talk to your target market, remember that your language is likely different from theirs.
Your goal is to connect with them, so it's important that you don't use any words they won’t connect with and understand.
In your copy and your content, you want to make sure that you use the language they're accustomed to.
So ask yourself…
What are some words this target market would use on a day-to-day basis?
For example, here's the language a cubicle slave would use to describe their work environment…
- Boss
- Time sheets
- Clocking in
- Traffic
- Overtime
- Managers
- Deadlines
- Working weekends
These are words that cubicle slaves use to talk to each other, right?
If you want to understand this market really well, just read Dilbert.
Once you've completed the four columns it's dramatically easier to create winning ads, content, sales presentations, etc., etc.
Now we can get to work.
How to use your chart to create headlines
As you’re creating content, one formula you can use for writing a title or a headline is using the pains and desires of your target market in a sentence.
For example…
“How to ________ without _________”
You're going to see this headline formula used often.
It’s how to get what you want—the desired outcomes from third column—without the pains of column two.
You are literally filling in the blank from the columns to build your headlines.
How to + (something from the desire column) + without + (something from the pain column)
This is so effective because when you're communicating with people, in a nutshell, you want to say:
I can teach you how to get the desired outcome you want without having to deal with all the things you hate.
Easy, right?
BTW, to use this new found knowledge to build an automated selling and prospecting system to attract your own highly interested prospects to your product or opportunity online,
Different markets; different language
Let’s move on to a different target market so the idea becomes clearer.
Let's say you've recruited some cubicle slaves to your network marketing business because you've appealed to them based on their pains and desires as cubicle slaves, using their own language.
Now they’re network marketers, so they are a different market with different pains and struggles, and different desires.
When you’re talking to network marketers, don't use words like “online marketing,” “Internet marketing,” “affiliate marketing,” or “commissions,” because they have no idea what those terms mean.
That language is for Internet marketers!
There's a big difference, so let's dive in.
Target market: network marketers
How do you speak to network marketers?
From the top…
First, you’ve defined them as your target market.
Second, what are the pains and struggles that they deal with?
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of prospecting people
- Running out of warm market contacts
- Calling leads
- Doing follow-up
- Home meetings
- Hotel meetings
- Wasting gas driving to and from meetings
- Buying DVDs and CDs to hand out to people
- Wasting money
- Lack of prospects and people to talk to
- Not making enough money
Third, what are their desired outcomes?
- More prospects
- Recruiting more people
- Growing a downline
- Growing a residual income
- Making an impact
- Being on stage
There are more, but those are some of the examples of the desired outcomes for network marketers.
Fourth, what language should you use with them?
Remember that the language changes based on where that person is and what they want.
Network marketers talk about and care about…
- Upline
- Downline
- Recognition
- Rank advancement
- Growing their team
Example headlines for network marketers
Now, in your copy, note that you should do it without mentioning the words “network marketing” or “MLM,” because those words can get you in trouble with advertising platforms.
Instead tell them…
“How to get prospects without fear of rejection”
“How to find prospects and leads for your business without harassing friends and family”
You’re insinuating that you’re talking about network marketing, because network marketers speak to each other in a certain way, using certain language, but you’re not saying “MLM” directly.
That's how you want to write and build your headlines and content.
Always use terms that they're familiar with, and avoid jargon or technical terms they're not familiar with.
A word of caution
A lot of you in Elite Marketing Pro are speaking to network marketers and you want to explain to them the awesome opportunity of how to market and promote their business online.
But in doing so, you tend to use Internet marketing terms with people that are in network marketing (or maybe they're cubicle slaves, or in another target market entirely)…
…and they have NO IDEA what you're talking about because you are using words like…
- Funnels,
- Capture pages,
- Sales pages,
- Conversions, etc.
See the problem?
Those words don't mean anything to network marketers!
You have to be very careful to use the correct language and not words from another target market.
Again, you have to use words that reflect your market's reality.
That's why that last column has to do with language.
You need to fill it in with words that have to do with what your target market is currently experiencing and what they currently know, and avoid words they may not understand.
Make sense?
Okay, let's try another example…
Target market: Internet marketers
So let's say now you've joined Elite Marketing Pro, you want to grow your business online, and as a result, you're no longer just a network marketer, you're now an Internet marketer as well.
You've moved into a different niche because you're in the process of learning new skill sets.
So what are the pains and struggles of being an Internet marketer?
- Being afraid to build a website
- Having no traffic / leads / sales
- Having ads that aren't working effectively
- Having a funnel that’s not converting
See how the pains and struggles related to the Internet marketing space are very different from those of a network marketer or a cubicle slave?
Realize that you could be talking to the exact same person, at different points in time.
That person could actually be transitioning like I did—I’ve been all of these target markets at one time.
I started as a cubicle slave, became a network marketer, and then transitioned to being an online marketer, because I wanted to generate prospects using the Internet.
And when I went into online marketing, my focus changed, and the things I hated and the things I wanted changed.
What's your desired outcome as an Internet marketer?
- Getting traffic
- Creating capture pages
- Capturing leads
- Building a list
- Writing sales letters
- Learning to create video content
- Building a converting sales funnel
- Making more sales
- Earning more commissions
- Creating your own products
See how the things you care about now have changed because you've moved into a different market, because now you're choosing to build your business in this way?
What’s the right language to use for Internet marketers?
Well, you’ll talk about…
- Capture pages,
- Traffic,
- Sales letters,
- Sales videos,
- Funnels, etc.
Make sense?
The main point I want you to understand is that you…
Don’t mix the languages and terms of different target markets
You always want to use words and languaging your target market understands and avoid words they may not.
Don’t just assume your prospects know the things you know.
Chances are you're savvier than you think.
And you'll be talking over your market's head if you're not careful.
So make sure you always use your new chart to identify WHO you’re speaking to and HOW to speak to them whenever you're communicating with your target market.
Now you're ready to set up your advertising “pre-filter”
What's that, you ask?
Well, pre-filtering is a method of leveraging platforms like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to connect exclusively with the target market that's most likely to respond to your offer…
…thereby saving your advertising dollars (and a lot of heartache) marketing to people who will NEVER become your customer.
Your pre-filter ensures you achieve a “message to market match” and will, for example, filter out all the people who are kosher…if you're in the business of selling bacon. 😉
Discover more about how this works in day 2 of my 100% free 10-day Internet recruiting bootcamp.
Plus, I also reveal the strategies I use to generate 300-500 leads per day, 30-50 customers per day, and recruit 70-100 serious biz-builders into my business each month!
So simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-day bootcamp.
And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!
Ferny Ceballos
Chief Marketing Officer
Attraction Marketing