If you are starting to get leads and sales from multiple places and you want to know exactly where they are coming from... this video is for you.
You will learn how you can use subid tracking using AttractionMarketing.systems. If you're running Facebook ads, doing FB Lives with a call to action to the bootcamp and sharing blog posts from your own website, how to add tracking so that it comes through to your Prospects and Commissions area is a great way to know what is working.
Thank you page.
Click on the button "FIND OUT MORE" and in the link, paste the following text to the end of your link - &subid={param.subid} (you MUST ensure you change the name to subid from the snippet)
Pop Up Box
Open up the Pop up box you are using and click on Edit Fields.
You will need to create a new Hidden field and relabel this subid (It's important this is exact as it's case sensitive and no spaces or anything else to be in there)
Click on the pencil and in the top Field Value box, paste the snippet again and change the name to subid - see example below of what it should look like.

Adding Tracking To Your Links
How to add tracking to your links outside of Ads Manager = ?subid=YOURTRACKING
Make sure you create a labelling format that works for you that you can use on all your links
For example ?subid=FBLive_Topic_Date