LISTEN TO THE TRAINING AUDIOInterview with Ken McCarthy (1:18:28)Right Click the above text, and save to your computer.
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DOWNLOADS FOR THIS LESSON How To Recruit With Sales Letters (Recruit With Words Manual) Right click the above title and save to your computer. By the time you finish reading these pages, and listening to the audios, you’ll be lightyears ahead of where you are now, and well on the way to mastering one of…
Read MoreCall #3
LISTEN TO THE TRAINING AUDIOCall #3 (1:08:13m) – Download The AudioRight click the above title and save to your computer. Never get results from your email autoresponder? Here are 11 ways to write auto-responder messages that turn prospects into distributors and customers.The #1 mistake networkers make when sending emails to prospects that kills their chances…
Read MoreCall #2
LISTEN TO THE TRAINING AUDIOCall #2 (1:18:31m) – Download The AudioRight click the above title and save to your computer. 7 ways to write irresistible headlines.How to use a swipe file without breaking the law.Why the best place to write your ad headlines is under water.How to double your sales using other people’s time, money…
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LISTEN TO THE TRAINING AUDIOCall #1 (1:22:07m)- Download The AudioRight click the above title and save to your computer. Why some sales letters and emails work, while others fail miserably.How to adopt Ben’s unique, “under-the-radar” style that’s perfect to use when promoting your product or opportunity to even the most skeptical prospects.How to write ads…
Read MoreIntro: Recruit With Words
Intro: Recruit With WordsSuppose you could sit down, write a simple letter to your prospects, mail it (or email it) and then your phone starts ringing off the hook. What if you could send a series of very special emails that turn your leads into paying customers automatically for you, instead of just getting ignored and deleted? Whenever you…
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