Want to Learn to Grow Beyond Organic Strategies & Scale Your Audience Growth?
Discover the Same 7-Figure Skill Our Top Students Use to Passively Attract Enrollments & Leaders on Auto-Pilot from Facebook, YouTube and Google… WITHOUT Opening Social Media!
This is the #1 Skill We've Taught All Our Top Earner Students to Automate Audience Growth, Attract Leaders and Create a Level of Financial Security & Independence Most Top Income Earners Wish They Had!
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November 3rd - 5th, 2023
Only 125 8 Seats Available
Dear Attraction Marketing Member,
I remember the first time I launched my first online ad back in 2006.
I had just finished reading a book written by my mentor on how Attraction Marketing worked and back then, building a following and a brand on social media wasn’t really a thing.
There was MySpace, but it was mostly spam and for teenagers.
If you wanted to build an audience, it had to be through an email list.
If you wanted to build an audience, it had to be through an email list.
And if you wanted to grow that audience, it was by running ads. Period.
So after going through some training, I wrote a short ad which I placed on Google Adwords with a $10 per day budget and waited.
I went to sleep that night not sure if this would work.
The next morning, I woke up to my email inbox with one message that said the following:
“You have a new bootcamp lead!”
My first lead! I immediately reached out and sent him an email
A couple of days later, I got 2 leads! And one of those leads bought a retail product from me too!
I reached out and I talked to that person later that day to get to know them.
And things started growing from there…
Eventually, my email list grew into the hundreds… then the thousands….
And my income went from a few hundred dollars per month, to $1,000 per month and so on...
It was unbelievable, for every dollar I invested in advertising, I made $2 or $3 back! It was a MAGIC SLOT MACHINE!
Even though I was paying for advertising, I was making my money back and was growing my list... my audience... my brand and getting PAID to GROW IT!
After I discovered how to advertise, I never went back to prospecting ever again!
People were coming to me!
Eventually, this all resulted in me getting paid 6-figures to grow my brand, BEFORE I had earned 6-FIGURES in Network Marketing.
Then I decided it was finally time to grow my network marketing business.
By that point, I had joined a new company and setup a new enrollment funnel with a $50 application fee for anyone who wanted to join my team.
That’s right… I charged a $50 application fee to just apply to work with me and get interviewed.
I would send an email once or twice per month and people started applying!
My team started to grow, I was making between $5k - $10k per month and dealing with absolutely ZERO drama. Everyone I talked to were serious about growing a business.
As my business was starting to approach 6-figures per year, something strange happened. Two very well known 7-figure earners emailed me and were interested in joining my team.
They saw what I was doing with my ads, funnels and application process… they were impressed and needed to find a new network marketing company due to some drama and asked to join me.
I calmly said “Sure. Let’s do it!”
(On the inside, I was saying, “Whaaa Whoooo!!!”
This immediately catapulted my income to $20k per month in network marketing, which was completely passive.
More importantly, I realized just how powerful building a BRAND actually was, how critical growing an EMAIL LIST is and how important it was to SCALE IT through advertising.
I had no idea these leaders and others were watching me. And they would have never found me if I wasn’t advertising.
I was making money from network marketing and from my coaching & training company.
However, as with all ad platforms, some things were changing so I needed to find some new places to run ads.
The cool thing was that learning how to advertise on one platform gave me the ability to transition to other platforms using pretty much the same Attraction Marketing marketing philosophy.
I’ve done 9 different platforms and more recently Social Media Advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and others.
Ultimately, this has allowed me to mentor many students teaching them the same skill who have gone on to earn 6, 7 and 8 figure annual incomes.
AttractionMarketing.com’s growth over the past 7 years has been fueled by advertising.
Building organically on social media is awesome and powerful. And for most network marketers, that’s all they’ll need to know to hit their first initial goals.
But if you have BIG goals. And if you want to grow a HUGE BRAND, which allows you to attract leaders to you and inoculates you from ever losing your network marketing income…
PLUS you can start for as little as $1 per day budget!
This workshop will not just be on how to run ads on Facebook. It will empower you to be able to adapt and run ads on any ad platform you want, by learning our proprietary blueprint towards acclimating, launching, testing and scaling ad traffic.
You will leave this workshop empowered with entrepreneurial skills, most business owners will never have.
And here’s the best news, Acceleration members can be a part of this weekend workshop for FREE, with a REFUNDABLE $97 Deposit
This event is coming FAST, we have limited spots so you gotta register right now!
Our team and I are looking forward to seeing you there!
Let’s Rock It!
Ferny Ceballos
Only 125 8 Seats Available
If you encounter any issues in purchasing your ticket, please feel free to contact our support team @ attractionmarketing.com/support
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Income Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this system or any of these products. This is information designed to help you understand the specific information covered. It is not an attempt to render tax, legal, or business advice. We do not purport this as a “Get Rich Scheme”. This is not a business opportunity. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with my opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.
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