Exclusive invitation only virtual event
Is a Launch
Virtual Launch Event is a 2-day intensive to immerse you into the world of online marketing and help you launch a kick-butt marketing campaign.
This is a ZERO hype, no fluff, and all meat workshop-style event where you’ll discover the most effective attraction marketing strategies you can use today… and get massive results in the next 30 days.
Together, we’ll work on honing your chops by equipping you with cutting-edge marketing, advertising, and profit boosting tactics.
You’ll discover the best and most effective ways to find new prospects on social media… and quickly turn them into customers and team members.
Our line-up of attraction marketing experts and mentors will be on standby, looking over your shoulder as you put together your digital network marketing blueprint and launch your campaign.
Our goal is to help you develop the skills you need to become a digital networking pro, accelerate your success, and build your dream business.
Many of our students achieved incredible success after going through our proprietary curriculum and implementing proven marketing strategies taught in our workshops.
In this exclusive Launch Event we hold nothing back. You’ll get everything you need to start seeing massive results in the next 30 days and beyond.
Which is why this 2-day experience could transform your business… and quite possibly change your life.
Here’s How The Two Days Will Unfold
Day 1: Attract & Influence - Build Your New Network of Positive, Pro-NWM Followers!
On Day 1, you will creating posts, ads and content which taps into 100 years of proven direct response results so you can get your message out, stand out from everyone else, build authority and create authentic influence!
You Will Learn...
Day 2: Liquidate & Enroll - How to Get Up to a 90% Enrollment Rate Without Selling and Get Paid Even When They Don’t Join
On Day 2, you will be learning & mapping out your ‘dynamic income strategy’, which will help you fund your business now with ‘active income’, while creating assets that will grow your long-term 'passive income'.
You will learn…
Frequently Asked Questions
This event will be held on Zoom.
This is a virtual event, once you place your deposit, you will be instructed on how you can register for the event and reserve your spot on Zoom.
Currently, the event is slated to begin at 8:00am PT / 11:00am ET. A full schedule and timeline will be provided upon your registration.
Schedule is subject to change.
You're deposit will be refunded 2-3 business days after the event. In order to receive a refund of your deposit, you must follow the event instructions to "CHECK-IN" on both days.
Some banks may need an additional 3-10 business days to process your refund.
No. This event is exclusively for Elite Marketing Pro / AttractionMarketing.com VIP / PRO members.
Any deposits by non PRO / VIP members will not be acknowledge and may not receive access to the event.
Income Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this system or any of these products. This is information designed to help you understand the specific information covered. It is not an attempt to render tax, legal, or business advice. We do not purport this as a “Get Rich Scheme”. This is not a business opportunity. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with my opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.
© Copyright 2020 Attraction Marketing LLC, all rights reserved.